Midnight Hunt & Crimson Vow Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Midnight Hunt & Crimson Vow Cube
Cube ID
Art by Svetlin VelinovArt by Svetlin Velinov
360 Card Cube9 followers
Designed by Zellith
Mana Pool$297.51

This is a curated version of Innistrad: Double Feature. It combines the best parts of Midnight Hunt and Crimson Vow while maintaining a normal set size.

The Cube contains the following archetypes:

w-u White/Blue - Archetype: Flyers & Spirits

r-w Red/White - Archetype: Aggro

u-b Blue/Black - Archetype: Zombies

g-b Green/Black - Archetype: Graveyard Synergy

r-g Red/Green - Archetype: Werewolves

r-u Red/Blue - Archetype: Spellslinger

b-w Black/White - Archetype: Aristocrats

r-b Red/Black - Archetype: Vampires

g-w Green/White - Archetype: Aggro & Humans

g-u Green/Blue - Archetype: Selfmill & Graveyard Synergy

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