This is my current build of my "Oops All Buk Rares Cube", renamed to "Bulk Bombs".
Azorius Bouncy Adventures
Dimir Surveil Control
Rakdos Attacking Matters
Gruul Non-Human Counters
Selesnya Mid-Range Tokens
Orzhov Lifedrain
Golgari Graveyard Matters
Simic and Land Ramp and Creatures
Izzet Spells Matter
Boros Control
Having making many changes and then spending time with my list as a whole, here are a few more updates.
Overall, I have trimmed cards that I overlooked in my original update. For example, Chillbringer feels a bit out of place as Elementals are no longer part of the simic deck. Instead, I have Shipwreck Dowser helping any blue deck recur their tools.
Otherwise there are some cards that I have either discovered or remembered, which I feel now are a better fit, fill a gap, or that are too cool not to try. For example, Light up the Night being a bulk rare is an easy replacement for Searing Barrage, plus it add some redundancy for Red players seeking burn. Or, Awakening of Vitu-Ghazi replacing a big Green dummy to give Green some instant-speed spice.