Bulk Bombs (OABR 2e)
(450 Card Cube)
Bulk Bombs (OABR 2e)
Cube ID
Art by Suzanne HelmighArt by Suzanne Helmigh
450 Card Budget Unpowered Vintage Cube6 followers
Designed by Kanadier
Mana Pool$2422.92

This is my current build of my "Oops All Buk Rares Cube", renamed to "Bulk Bombs".

wuAzorius Bouncy Adventures

  • Return your own creatures to your hand for value!

ubDimir Surveil Control

  • Recur tools and threats from the graveyard, or expend them for a few Delve payoffs. Find a couple of self-mill win-cons if you are lucky.

brRakdos Attacking Matters

  • Putting every incentive to attack your opponent to the test. Low curve, Menace, Equipment etc. Oracled 'Cleave included.

rgGruul Non-Human Counters

  • Play burly creatures, make 'em bigger, give 'em trample.

wgSelesnya Mid-Range Tokens

  • Diverse tokens and the Populate mechanic.

wbOrzhov Lifedrain

  • Less creature-typal, more mechanic-typal

bgGolgari Graveyard Matters

  • Re-buy your best creatures from the bin using fair Reanimator strategies.

ugSimic and Land Ramp and Creatures

  • Build your landbase using ramp and then send your lands to attack.

urIzzet Spells Matter

  • Flexible between Prowess Aggro or Mid-Range Tempo, using a combination of common Izzet themes and mechanics.

wrBoros Control

  • Best for last, discover it yourself!

Having making many changes and then spending time with my list as a whole, here are a few more updates.

Overall, I have trimmed cards that I overlooked in my original update. For example, Chillbringer feels a bit out of place as Elementals are no longer part of the simic deck. Instead, I have Shipwreck Dowser helping any blue deck recur their tools.

Otherwise there are some cards that I have either discovered or remembered, which I feel now are a better fit, fill a gap, or that are too cool not to try. For example, Light up the Night being a bulk rare is an easy replacement for Searing Barrage, plus it add some redundancy for Red players seeking burn. Or, Awakening of Vitu-Ghazi replacing a big Green dummy to give Green some instant-speed spice.

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