Super-portable battlebox for 2-4 players casual play. All the cards are sleeveless (this is why I call it the NudeBox) and each game leaves a sign of personal touch on cards (it might be a slight damage, scratches and so on). The winner can sign his favourite card or add something to the illustration.
– Players share one small landless 150 cards deck (to fit in UltraPro 75 card deckbox).
– No token generators, no counters for portability and speed
– Every turn you can play one facedown card which counts as a land that can be tapped for any one color mana.
– Starting hand is 7, no mulligan, 20 life, all the rest plays according to general mtg rules.
The deck is tuned for interactive gameplay with a lot of etb effects, balanced mana curve, removal and recursion. The deck can be played in windfall mode for more explosive and fast gameplay: every turn a player draws two cards and can play any amount of cards as lands.