No Refunds Podcast Cube
(540 Card Cube)
No Refunds Podcast Cube
Cube ID
Art by John AvonArt by John Avon
540 Card Unpowered Budget Historic Cube1 follower
Designed by ShortieXV
Mana Pool$132.76
  1. Arena Cards Only, restrict to mostly common and uncommon for now. 360, 450, or 540 cards total
  2. Aim for about 80 cards per color 50~ creatures, 30~ spells.
  3. Aim for 45 multicolored cards
  4. Aim for 60 artifacts with goal of supporting the color strategies and mono-color decks.
  5. Mono-color decks should be a realistic option for a draft while the color pairing should still have clear alignment or overlap in strategies.


  • Tried to fix the cards to be the Arena versions but probably missed a bunch

1 Yarok's Fenlurker (M20) 123
1 Bound in Gold (KHM) 5
1 Gingerbrute (JMP) 466
1 Marauding Blight-Priest (ZNR) 112
1 Chainer's Torment (DAR) 82
1 Ifnir Deadlands (AKR) 302
1 Patron of the Valiant (JMP) 128
1 Sunscorched Desert (AKR) 331
1 Transcendent Envoy (THB) 40
1 Emancipation Angel (JMP) 102
1 Cryptic Caves (M20) 244
1 Bloodbond Vampire (JMP) 209
1 Vampire of the Dire Moon (M20) 120
1 Wasteland Scorpion (AKR) 135
1 Idyllic Grange (ELD) 246
1 Youthful Valkyrie (KHM) 382
1 Valkyrie's Sword (KHM) 36
1 Sentinel's Eyes (THB) 36
1 Concordia Pegasus (M21) 12
1 Thriving Heath (JMP) 35
1 Evolving Wilds (M20) 246
1 Field of Ruin (THB) 242
1 Dovin, Hand of Control (WAR) 229
1 Serra Angel (ANB) 18
1 Syr Konrad, the Grim (ELD) 107
1 Maulfist Squad (KLR) 99
1 Cosmos Elixir (KHM) 237
1 Diamond Mare (M19) 231
1 Henge Walker (ELD) 221
1 Blood Curdle (IKO) 75
1 Rampaging Monument (GRN) 239
1 Thriving Moor (JMP) 37
4 Plains (KLR) 288
4 Swamp (KLR) 293

1 Cauldron's Gift (ELD) 83
1 Hazoret's Monument (AKR) 273
1 Seize the Spoils (KHM) 149
1 Memorial to Folly (DAR) 242
1 Belligerent Brontodon (XLN) 218
1 Vampire Sovereign (M19) 125
1 Looming Altisaur (XLN) 23
1 Filigree Familiar (KLR) 239
1 Affa Guard Hound (JMP) 81
1 Blightbeetle (M20) 87
1 Disenchant (M20) 14
1 Covetous Urge (ELD) 207
1 Elite Headhunter (ELD) 209
10 Plains (KLR) 288
10 Island (KLR) 290
10 Swamp (KLR) 293
10 Mountain (KLR) 298
10 Forest (KLR) 300

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