noverb's pauper cube
(414 Card Cube)
noverb's pauper cube
Art by Dan Murayama ScottArt by Dan Murayama Scott
414 Card Pauper Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by noverb
Mana Pool$116.07

The cube was born August 31, 2021. The original list started with Ixoran's Cube, with big inspiration from ThePauperCube and the SCG Pauper Cube. It's changed a lot since then. I've focused more on synergies and archetypes than the original inspirations. A full primer for the cube as well as a writeup on the archetypes is on my to-do list. For now, enjoy!

Fully sleeved on October 7th, 2021 (10/7/21)
Inaugural draft on October 8th, 2021 (10/8/21)
Places the cube has been:
Virginia Beach, VA (Home)
Roanoke, VA (SCGCon Roanoke 2021)

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