3 packs of 15 cards each. If a player drafts a legendary creature, that player may use that card as their commander as long as the remainder of their main deck conforms to the color identity of the chosen commander. Players do not ante a card at the beginning of the game, but any cards that ante themselves or another card as a part of their effect function correctly. Anted cards become part of the sideboard of the winner of the match for the remainder of the matches.
Number of commanders (especially multicolored) is intentionally limited. Having a commander is a large advantage so it should be moderately difficult to construct a pool that can be lead by a commander in order to ofset the advantage gained.
Note on Partners: Creatures with partners are intended to be used as monocolored commanders. The Partner mechanic should not function in this cube when determining commander legality for the optimal play experience. This has no effect on the Partner With mechanic.
24 monocolored cards (12 for each color in the pair) and 4 multicolored cards for each color pair, including 2 monocolored commanders (one for each color in the pair) and 2 multicolored ones
33 Artifacts
2 Five color
30 Lands
15 generic monocolored cards, including 1 commander