The Payoff Matters Cube
(376 Card Cube)
The Payoff Matters Cube
Cube ID
Art by Jason A. EngleArt by Jason A. Engle
376 Card Legacy+ Cube4 followers
Designed by NickBolas
Mana Pool$2187.58

This cube's goal is to generate games of magic that use high power cards, but also to avoid games that instantly end in an uninterruptible way such as reanimating a Griselbrand on turn 2. Typically the way this is prevented is either by making the payoffs less game ending or by choosing combos that only rely on creatures. The cube is also focused on lowering the curve, and encouraging synergy over raw power level.

This is a 376 card cube, but every card will be drafted by an 8 player pod. This is done with a Lore Seeker, which opens a 16 card pack, so all players get 2 picks from it.

This cube is also often drafted with a copy of Cogwork Librarian given to every player before the draft. This along with the Lore Seeker result in a 48 card pool after finishing the draft.

Here are some of the supported strategies of the cube, along with the primary colors that support those strategies. Most common splash colors will be included in parentheses.

wu(g/b) Blink

This archetype aims to grind the game out with creatures that provide value over the course of the whole game. Enablers include Ephemerate and Restoration Angel. Payoffs include cards like Venser, Shaper Savant that, when blinked, give you incredible tempo and card advantage.

wb Midrange Attrition

White and Black are great colors to slow your opponents down or run them out of resources entirely playing a midrange style deck. Use cards like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben to tax your opponent's spells and Stoneforge Mystic or Dark Confidant to provide strong finishing power and card advantage.

wr Go Wide Aggro

This is a token adjacent strategy that involves playing creatures that are both aggressive like Goblin Guide and make multiple bodies like Ajani, Nacatl Pariah. After that, pick a finisher like Embercleave or Heroic Reinforcements which will give your deck a lot of reach.

wg(b) Counters/Combo

This color combination provides a midrange gameplan with an aggressive slant. You can make your deck lower to the ground to take advantage of cards like Collected Company, or try out a persist combo with Kitchen Finks and something like Metallic Mimic to gain infinite life. be sure to use cards like Birthing Pod to make your combo more consistent.

u(g/w/r/b) Artifacts Matter

The artifacts archetype is pretty cool because you can go a couple of different directions with it. Trying to aggro your opponent out with Arcbound Ravager and Cranial Plating is a real strategy, but splashing green or even white becomes tempting with cards like Thraben Inspector and Tireless Tracker along with Academy Manufactor to really pop off.

ur(w/b) Spellslingers

These colors put a heavy emphasis on casting instant and sorcery cards. Most of your deck will likely be made up of cantrips like Preordain and efficient answers like Lightning Bolt with some cards to take advantage of all the spells you cast, like Young Pyromancer or Ledger Shredder

ug(w/r) Flash

This is a midrange deck primarily focused on always holding up counterspells with a backup way to spend your mana in case your opponent does not play a spell worth countering. This can be flashing in a threat like Wildborn Preserver or activating an ability like on Spectral Sailor.

ug Top of Your Deck Matters

This is more of a package than an entire deck, but this synergy seems so sick I felt like including it here.

br(g/w) Aristocrats

Greatness at any cost. Use cards that generate a ton of bodies like Bitterblossom and take full advantage of them with sacrifice outlets like Yawgmoth, Thran Physician.

w(r/b) Humans

While Zombies is slightly more combo-focused, humans is an extremely aggressive tribe. Starting the game with a Champion of the Parish already represents a massive potential clock. Because this strategy is white based, this can easily be drafted even if someone is playing a more traditional red based aggressive deck.

b(r/u) Reanimator

This is the archetype that has the highest potential power ceiling in the cube, capable of putting Myr Battlesphere into play as early as turn 2, but is purposefully supported less than you will find elsewhere. You might employ such plan B's as entombing for a fair card such as Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath.

bg Graveyard Matters

This archetype is really interested in filling up your own graveyard, specifically with cards like Bloodghast that are really good on their own but get extra value when you dredge it with Life from the loam.

rg Stompy

These cards together make a deck that both has a very high card quality and is very aggressive. Use Questing Druid for some extra card advantage and use a very large Pelt Collector to run over your opponent. This deck can also very easily play Collected Company.

wurg(b) Lands

This deck is full of cards that are really good on their own with a grindy slant, like Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Your goal is to put lands into play as quickly as possible using cards like Flare of Cultivation and Oracle of Mul Daya. At some point you can tutor something like Kessig Wolf Run using cards like Golos, Tireless Pilgrim or Knight of the Reliquary.

b Zombies

This archetype is similar to the aristocrats archetype as it can get value from the graveyard by repeating saccing Gravecrawler or a similar recursive zombie and replaying it, but creatures like Champion of the Perished make the deck operable as a lean aggro deck.

These archetypes are just a guide to some of the cube synergy. To start playing at the next level, look out for build-around cards like the following!

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