The Generalist Cube
(720 Card Cube)
The Generalist Cube
Cube ID
Art by Tianhua XArt by Tianhua X
720 Card Cube4 followers
Designed by Eldaste
Mana Pool$1273.79

A living cube.

The cube is built around several ideas.

It's meant to be adaptable to whatever style of draft and number of people you end up with, be it multiplayer, 1v1 matches, or just a 2 person draft.

2 player drafting is usually done as a Winston draft, but other techniques may be used.

  1. 2-3 card combos in a cube of 720 are hard to assemble. Things like the Kaldra cycle and Batterskull/Stoneforge can't be relied upon to be in the same draft, and there will be many many drafts where they don't show up together, much less drafted by the same player. If any such 2-3 card synergies are going to exist, they must be able to either stand on their own (Batterskull) or synergize with a good chunk (like Soneforge with equipment in general).

  2. Infinite combos are not fun with unreliable cards seen. It just feels like one player gets incredibly lucky in draft. While there can be cards that, when drafted, will put a player at a massive advantage, they must not be able to win for a player on the spot. (Covid has made me weak, and one managed to sneak in with the inclusion of Zirda (with Basalt Monolith).)

  3. Cards that win the game on their own and are hard to deal with are unfun in cube. Things like Ajani, Mentor of Heroes and (potentially) Ugin, the Spirit Dragon do too much for a single card. Ajani hitting the board turns every creature, no matter how small, into a game winning threat, while also digging for more threats to protect itself (while upticking). Cards like this are generally avoided.

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