Necroid's Tempo Pauper Cube
(400 Card Cube)
Necroid's Tempo Pauper Cube
Art by Christopher BurdettArt by Christopher Burdett
400 Card Pauper Cube7 followers
Designed by lapointnick

There are few clearly defined 'archetypes' in the cube, most notably: u-r Spells and b-r Sacrifice. Instead, the cube aims to allow many deck configurations without archetype restrictions. Below, some of the colors' strengths are listed.

w: Aggressive Creatures, Augmentation, Removal, Tokens
u: Cantrips, Stack Interaction, Evasive Creatures, Spell Payoffs
b: Sacrifice Enablers/Payoffs, Efficient Removal, Recursion
r: Aggressive Creatures, Spell Payoffs, Sacrifice Enablers, Direct Damage
g: Ramp, Efficient Creatures, Fixing, Large Creatures


This tempo focused cube aims to fix problems many levy against pauper cubes - grindy games full of two-for-ones and board-stalls.

First, included lands ignore both single and rarity restriction. Untapped duals helps multi-color aggressive decks cast spells on time, allow the inclusion of lower mana value gold cards often excluded from pauper cubes, and generally reduces game length. The landbase is designed to increase meaningful land choices as early as turn one and add strategic depth to mana-base decisions during deck building and gameplay.

Secondly, cards costing under four mana are given significant priority; they make up about 90% of the included spells. The lower curve promotes more meaningful gameplay, drafting, and deckbuilding decisions while also reducing board-stalls.

Third, repeatable life-gain is mostly avoided, with a few notable exception for pauper standout cards.

Finally, mechanics which many drafters found unfun - Monarch, Initiative, and Buyback - are currently excluded.

This cube's design and gameplay were greatly inspired by the Bun Magic Cube.


I was initially inspired to create a cube representing the pauper metagame but found some of the format's major pillars (affinity, caw-blade, boggles, fairy/ninja decks, combo etc.) difficult to properly emulate within traditional cube guidelines. I considered breaking singleton for important deck lynchpins or utilizing artifact and snow lands in the land station but decided to leave that project for another day.

Draft Rules:

The cube is designed to be booster drafted with eight players, three packs of sixteen. There are enough cards for a Loreseeker pack as well. An optional variant sees each drafter start with a Clockwork Librarian in their pool.

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