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(360 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Nicola LeonardArt by Nicola Leonard
360 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by PrinceBabar
Mana Pool$15326.54

Fast mana got you down? Tired of turn two kills? Ever wanted to play 30 lands and still never flood? Welcome to Legacy lands the cube: a format that packs small synergies into overlapping archetypes!

How do I go to there you ask? Just draft! (Oh and grab snow basics and/or regular basics when you go to build your deck)

Archetypes (And many more!)

gr: Agro Loam
Green land recursion with red's graveyard-based threats.
12/12 Countryside Crusher? Check! Flame Jabs for days? Try months! Cheeky Warp Worlds for 18 landfall triggers? Looks like you just gained alot of Courser of Kruphix life friend.

gw: Ramp Enchantments
Utopia Sprawl, Wild Growth, Serra's Sanctum, oh my! As for winning the game? That happens at your leisure. Draw 10 cards off an Eidolon of Blossoms, hard-cast Ulamog...profit!

gb: Dredge Combo
The 30 land deck. Make 20/20s with Dark Depths and Vampire Hexmage, draw 20 cards with Life from the Loam and Gitrog Monster. Throw in Bazaar of Baghdad or Zuran Orb to fill your yard with so many lands your opponents will cry for a Mudhole (a card which thankfully is nowhere near this cube).

gu: Landfaaaaaaaall
Green ramp with blue card advantage and every bounce-land you see.
Fastbond and Explore into gush? Only if you like your Kazundu Mammoth reaaaaal big.

rw: Tempo Combo
Aggressively-costed creatures but with combos, combos everywhere! Play 2-power 2-drops like Leonin Light-Scribe and Clarion Spirit that pressure the control decks. Stalling out? Chain of plasma turns the Leonin into glorious anthem for every card in your hand or Swans of Brynn Argoll into a draw 21.

rb: Attrition Madness
This summer try grabbing Blast from the Past with your Entomb, stripping their hand with the Necrogoyf you discarded to Fable of the Mirror Breaker, then cleaning up the stragglers with a madness-ed Shadowgrange Archfiend.

ru: Delver-less Delver
What's the fastest way to trigger Young Pyromancer? The quickest way to make your Dragon's Rage Channeler all delirious? Replayable red spells like Flame Jab and Faithless Looting mixed with 0-cost blue spells like Frantic Search and Gitaxian Probe.

ub: Faeries
Jace and Kaervek sitting in a tree C-O-U-N-T-E-R-I-N-G. Never tap out again with Spellstutter Sprite, Brazen Borrower, and Bitterblossom applying pressure behind Counterspells and Fact or Fiction.

uw: Tempo Blink
Oh Karakas, destroyer of Marit Lages, blinker of Vensers, Cliques, and Yorions. Throw in an Ephemerate, some evoke elementals, and Phelia for good measure!

bw: Enchantment Reanimator
One part value enchantments like Elspeth Conquers Death, Parallax Wave, and Tymaret Calls the Dead. One part reanimation like Replenish, Starfield of Nyx, Sun Titan, or Restoration of Eijanjo. Every part a grindy combo deck where the pieces are searchable with Zur the Enchanter.

wubrg: Agro Timmy Tribal!
What was that? You like tri-lands? You like spells like Scion of Draco, and Leyline Binding? Please, take an Up the Beanstalk for your trouble, or Birthing Pod that turn-2 12-drop into an Emrakul.

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