Rocky Mountain Yeti 93/94 Jumpstart Cube

Cube ID
Art by Kaja Foglio & Phil FoglioArt by Kaja Foglio & Phil Foglio

400 Card Unpowered Set Cube

Designed by classicinkRSSQR Code

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This 20 pack jumpstart cube is 93/94 focused on my favorite themes. At the beginning of each match, both players roll 3D20 to pick three packs. Once the packs have been picked, each player picks two and returns the third. There is a stack of 20 dual lands that each player can swap out a single mono colored land for the relevant dual for their chosen packs.

Themes are based on tribal, combo and standard color strengths (ramp, burn, aggro, etc.). There are three dual color packs based on aggro, combo, and tricks. The packs are unpowered and decks will most commonly end up two colors but it is possible to have three colors and you will have access to an additional dual land.

Variance in this jumpstart cube is extremely high, for a two player game, there are 190 combinations that can be played.