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2-4 Player Kitchen Cube by BR0HANN0N
(243 Card Cube)
2-4 Player Kitchen Cube by BR0HANN0N
Art by Scott MurphyArt by Scott Murphy
243 Card Budget Peasant Vintage Cube22 followers
Designed by BR0HANN0N
Mana Pool$64.98

This is a 243 card Cube that is built for a small playgroup of 2-4 people. The odd number is due to mostly playing grid drafts and being able to fit 27 packs of 9 in my Dex Protection Supreme Game Chest.

This cube has been designed with both new and casual players in mind, using easy to understand mechanics that still feel powerful. Keeping it at Peasant rarity seemed a no brainer to help accomplish this.

Also, i believe Magic is best enjoyed when casting what you want, but I ball on a budget. Sharpie has saved me tons of money though, as now none of my lands enter tapped. Thanks Sharpie!

Hopefully it makes for good times and good games. Enjoy!

Recommended play:
5 packs of 9 cards for each player with 4 drafters
10 packs of 9 cards for each player for 1v1 Sealed
20 packs of 9 cards for 1v1 Grid Draft

Archetypes Supported.....I think:
w: Weenie
u: Tempo
b: Control
r: Burn
g: Ramp
wu: Blink
ub: Control
br: Aristocrats / Aggro
rg: Stompy Mid-range
wg: Counters
wb: Aristocrats / Lifegain
bg: Graveyard Value
ug: Ramp
ur: Spells Matter
wr: Aggro / Go Wide

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