Description is a WIP as is the Cube
: agressive wheenies, constant pressure, undercosted removal, (s)tax your opponent

: tempo, play 2-for-1s, achieve incremental value, Flying

: remove opposing threats, reanimate your creatures, use your graveyard well, attack your opponents hand

: classic red deck wins, Removal, Big Red, small Synergies

: Ramp, Midrange, Toolbox, Tokens

: Blink/Flicker

: Recursive Spells, Crimes-Control

: Sacrifice matter

: Gruul? Smash! (big monsters & synergies)

: Go wide and grow bigger

: Aristocrats, Small-Creatures-Reanimator

: Spellslingers

: Graveyard Value

: Aggro

: Creature-Toolbox, Late-Game Value