This cube wants to be a wide-ranging trip across the best decks the latest era of fair magic can offer. While I restricted myself to cards legal the pioneer format, which starts from the recent shift in card design philosophy, I eschewed this limitation in two cases: I included the whole cycle of pain and fast lands, and added a bunch of older madness cards to obtain a critical mass (hoping the next Innistrad set brings worthwhile inclusions).
Cubing is a format where you can find synergy among the cards you draft and in this one there are a few build-arounds like Jodah, the Unifier, Panharmonicon or Field of the Dead, but you might have a look at which archetypes you can easily slide into:
Hard Control: Control the board with wraths and counterspells, generate advantage with powerful planeswalkers and close the game with finishers. What you're looking for: value-producing planeswalkers like Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, cheap interaction like Portable Hole or Censor and board clears like Doomskar, with some finishers such as Torrential Gearhulk. Sample deck.
(Self) Mill Control: Mill out your opponent to steal the creatures from their graveyard or mill yourself to win the game outright! Stall the board with black sweepers and blue counters and ride your spells to victory. What you're looking for: mill mill mill with Folio of Fancies and Drowned Secrets, disruption with Languish and Supreme Will and win conditions such as Thassa's Oracle or The Scarab God. Sample deck.
Madness Midrange: Cast your spell while discarding them to generate mana and card advantage! You fend off aggression with efficient answers or be the beatdown with a tribe powerful of vampires. What you're looking for: with a way to discard like Pack Rat or Olivia, Mobilized for War, you can prioritize spells with Madness such as Avacyn's Judgment or From Under the Floorboards and round the deck with the best removal. Sample deck.
Stompy Aggro: Smash face with efficient threats and big creatures, overwhelming control and walling off smaller creatures. Planeswalkers help you find your monsters or deliver the beats to your opponent's face. What you're looking for: early acceleration like Llanowar Elves, big efficient creatures such as Glorybringer and versatile planeswalkers like Domri, Anarch of Bolas. Sample deck.
Tokens Aggro: Swarm the board with lots of tokens, buff them with anthem effect and turn them sideways. You can fend off most aggro plans with chump blocks or mantain pressure with a steady stream of creatures. Planeswalkers and lands help generating tokens and they are not affected by your worst enemy: sweepers! What you're looking for: token generators and ways to enhance them, like Ajani, the Greathearted, Saproling Migration and Angel of Inventions. Sample deck.
Aristocrats Midrange: Make tokens and sacrifice your creatures for value, while grinding your opponent out of the game, then bring them back from the graveyard! The best suite of removal spells ensure that the game goes at your own pace. What you're looking for: sacrifice fodder like Hunted Witness, free sacrifice outlets such as Woe Strider, and death payoffs like Cruel Celebrant or Luminous Broodmoth. Sample deck.
Delirium Midrange: Put cards in your graveyard and unlock powerful effects thanks to the Delirium cards. This combination of colors can grind the game to a halt with great removal, efficient creatures and powerful recursion from the graveyard. What you're looking for: a way to put your car in the graveyard such as Cavalier of Thorns and Stitcher's Supplier along with payoffs like Grim Flayer and Liliana, the Last Hope. Sample deck.
Hyper Ramp: Playing big spells has never been this easy! Search your library for lands, turn them sideways and drop a huge hydra on turn three. While core Green, this strategy benefits from Blue's card draw and disruption. What you're looking for: Early acceleration in the form of dorks like Incubation Druid or spells like Cultivate with just a few top-enders such as Emrakul, the Promised End or Ugin, the Ineffable. Don't forget a bit of interaction or aggro will mow you down! Sample deck.
Spellslinger Tempo: Use cheap evasive creatures to ensure a constant pressure while hindering your opponent's plan with burn and counterspells. With Prowess creatures you can achieve a very quick victory out of nowhere and nobody will see it coming! What you're looking for: evasive creatures like Sprite Dragon and Spectral Sailor, something to protect them like Siren Stormtamer and Spell Pierce, and a way to refuel your hand such as Curious Obsession. Add some
to burn face and close games! Sample deck.
Heroic Aggro: Small creatures get huge if you buff them with spells, and you'll get back a considerable advantage if you target a creature with Heroic. A healthy dose of 1-drops and pump spells will go a long way, but not too long because your opponent will be dead on turn 3. What you're looking for: many 1- and 2-drops, preferably with heroic like Favored Hoplite or Monastery Swiftspear, cheap spells such as Gods Willing and Boros Charm and some way to recur them: Feather, the Redeemed, Dreadhorde Arcanist . Sample deck.