Mono Blue ~U~
A fast and degenerate format where no one has to fight over the best color. Striving to guarantee brokenness while still fostering archetypal diversity.
Aggro in this cube usually either takes the form of tempo decks -- cheap aggressive creatures backed up with disruption. It might come in many forms, perhaps with small evasive bodies like Pteramander, artifact-focused Cranial Plating beatdown, or a powerful hodgepodge enabled by Hymn of the Wilds. I expected aggro to struggle in a color that places a de-emphasis on creatures, but it is secretly the boogeyman of this format, and basically every edit I make is with a mind to keep the aggro decks more or less in check.
Blue is the quintessential color when it comes to control decks. Here, it might look like classic draw-go with EOT Fact or Fictions, more tap-out style with ramp and big threats like Increasing Confusion, or prison style with Static Orb or Opposition. There will almost always be at least one control deck at the table.
When you play with power and conspiracies, you expect degeneracy, and here it abounds. Storm decks with High Tide, gross extra turns stuff with Double Stroke, Labman decks with Dream Halls and draw sevens, you name it. I'm always excited to see what people will put together,
"What? No Merfolk?!"
My playgroup and I decided to cut support for merfolk tribal. Many of the Merfolk cards were simply too parasitic -- for example, Lord of Atlantis is almost completely undesirable outside of that specific deck. Merfolk cluttered the packs and ate up real estate in the cube.
"What about mill?"
This cube includes things like Increasing Confusion and Sphinx's Tutelage as wincons, but otherwise does not provide explicit support for mill decks for the same reason there are no Merfolk lords -- it made for dull drafts over time.