Hey folks !Looking for a modern cube but still being able to play some broken cards ? We got you covered :).
There are plenty of archetypes to try, from basic WW and RDW beatdown strategies to Heavy Midrange/Control builds. Combo gets also
many tools including Kiki/exarch, Vampire Hexmage / Dark Depths, Sword of the meek / Thopter foundry, and every components you
could find in a modern Birthing Pod/Chord deck...
Ramp strategies mainly rely on green. But Sometimes you'll drop a myr battlesphere or a sundering titan thanks to Urza, protected
by counter magic, that can be spicy !
There also some niche builds like Lands, Gift Reanimator, or 4c Omnath to try out, as they might
change in the future after playing a few drafts with my mates.
Feel free to test it and give a feedback.
Happy drafting guys ! :)