A cube designed to be around a Modern power level. Over the years, this has changed, especially with the introduction of Modern Horizons. However, this cube tries to keep up with this, and has experienced some major overhauls as a result.
This cube is designed with interactivity in mind. Therefore, it is rare to have a control deck that is completely creatureless, or a combo deck that acts on a completely different axis as other decks. Generally, all combos in the cube are creature-based. There is no storm deck, nor are there cards like Underworld Breach, Thassa's Oracle, or Bolas's Citadel.
The cube is color-balanced as much as possible, with the exception of a few 3+ color cards. This is aimed at making signals easier to read and follow, and the intention was to make all colors equally viable, if not equally powerful in the individual cards.
The very general aggro/midrange/control archetypes all exist in the cube within the typical colors. Red and white decks will tend to be more aggressive, while blue/white/black will be the typical control colors.
In order to try to adhere to some of these design choices, the cube does not follow exact modern legality. For example, blue has a few more powerful spells such as Ponder and Treasure Cruise.
LandsThere are four land cycles in the cube:
These are decks that don't quite fit exactly in generic "Aggro", "Midrange", or "Control" bins. These are not the only types of decks in the cube -- they are simply featured to showcase some of the unique cards and enablers.
Death and TaxesKey Cards:
There are many white disruptive cards that can work together to provide pressure while preventing your opponent from casting their powerful spells or enacting their game plan.
Breach/ReanimatorKey Cards:
This archetype is meant to be reminiscent of the old Modern Through the Breach/Goryo's Vengeance decks. Persist and Goryo's Vengeance work on opposite axes, but there are good targets for each. You can also go in an artifact direction.
Kiki/TwinKey Cards
The cube supports the Splinter Twin/Kiki-Jiki combo. However, the creatures that work with Twin/Kiki also tend to be creatures that are reasonable on their own, such as Pestermite. Notably absent in the cube is Deceiver Exarch, which just doesn't have enough power on its own to be worth it outside of the combo.
DomainKey Cards
There are only a few true payoffs for domain cards, though one of the biggest payoffs for domain is already being able to play all colors. The payoffs that do exist are fairly powerful though, with creatures like Territorial Kavu and Nishoba Brawler able to put 5 power on the board as early as turn 2. The domain cards tend to be more aggressive because of this, but there are some higher cost payoffs such as Bring to Light. This can work as a top end to search for a way to close out the game, or as part of a aggro-combo deck (such as searching out a missing piece of a Kiki/Zealous Conscripts combo).