The original and greatest Modern-era cube, lightly edited for compatibility with Magic Online.
Basri: I like that a lot of the rate in this isn't in being spectacular at attacking but giving you stuff to do when it's not being spectacular at attacking.
Adanto Vanguard: Cutting this after a long time in the spotlight not because it's not good enough—it absolutely still holds its own—but because it's so dead focused on aggro'ing the opponent out. Historically I've been harsher on that in red than in white, but with a bunch of good white options popping up and several more interestingly-synergistic Adanto-likes still in the cube, I think it's time.
Sundial: One legendary white vanilla comes out, another goes in. This might actually be a bit under rate at this point, but I want to give it a try for now. Surely there will be plenty more white twos to try swapping in in the future.
Phelia: This was fun! Too strong, though. The Horizons curse.
Gloryheath Lynx: This is an interesting one. It's defensively impressive, but it demands you tap down low to start getting card advantage. I'm curious if it holds up.
Perilous Snare: It's possible that being an artifact in and of itself is more of a liability than the bonus ability is a benefit, but I'm still interested in trying this.
Jacob Hauken: I like this guy, I really do. But I want to lean the blue two-drop section a little bit away from looting/cheats and towards something a bit more aggressive. Hauken's play pattern is also a bit all-or-nothing: if you flip him you probably win, and if you don't he's barely doing anything since he's exiling stuff anyway.
Diversion Unit: Love an aggressive disruptive creature in blue. Needing to leave up a mana does mean this gives you shields-down moments, but I'm hoping it'll still find a place.
Quag Feast: Smother, eat your heart out. This is always going to be somewhat constrained in which creatures it can hit, but dealing with major problem planeswalkers and having mill synergies is a very tempting exchange.
Norin: Didn't see much play, although admittedly we didn't fire a lot of drafts between then and now. Having to repay the full cost of the creature is pretty brutal, even when rebuying ETBs.
Greasewrench Goblin: Mana sinks are always less useful in cube than they seem, but the opportunity cost on this is so low and the value of discards on demand can be so high that I still think this is quite strong.
Hedron Archive: This is a lot less appealing now that Worn Powerstone is in modern.
The Aetherspark: What an odd card. I'll have to play with it to really udnerstand it but I do appreciate that it's simultaneously more resilient and more fragile than a normal planeswalker. Can't wait to Stoneforge for it.
Edric: It hurts to say goodbye after all these years, but Edric has become very seldom played even as I've tried to push blue evasive decks. The reality is that his tiny body doesn't make up for how long it takes to get cards even when he works.
Sab-Sunen: Kind of a weird pseudo-saga thing going on here, but I'm willing to see where it goes. I like that it comes down, blocks, then draws you cards to get out of whatever hole you were in once you have mana to use them.