Pauper Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Pauper Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark PooleArt by Mark Poole
360 Card Pauper Vintage Cube10 followersDesigned by VeryThankYouRSSQR CodeView in Cube Map

This is my generic pauper cube.
The draft archetypes are something like this:
Monocolor archetypes:
W - Aggro
U - Tempo
B - Control
R - Aggro/burn
G - Midrange

Dualcolor archetypes:
WU - Flicker/Self-bounce
WB - Pestilence Control
WR - Bully
WG - Bogles
UB - Delverlike control
UR - Blitz
UG - ??? (maybe something like ramp control, but you'd probably want to splash white)
BR - Monarch-like control
BG - TortEx Graveyard Stuff
RG - Madness

Fivecolor archetypes:
Whatever you want :)

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