This is a Museum Cube that exists as a means to showcase 'Misfit Cards'. I use the term 'Misfit Cards' to describe decent standard cards that saw little or no play post-rotation, cards that have been powercrept from eternal formats, 'cool' cards from supplemental sets that don't see widespread competitive or edh play, B-Tier redundancy pieces for specific effects, and some other rando jank that I just want an opportunity to use. I intentionally avoid a lot of common 'cube staples' (primarily top-tier interaction and mana fixing) so as to allow the weird funny bullshit to thrive, and also try to find any excuse to play obscure old promos because I just think they're neat.
Snow Basics and normal Basics are in the basic box
The Archetypes
This cueb focuses on broad macroarchetype support over microarchetypal synergies. Supported archetypes include White Aggro with a tokens/go-wide subtheme, Basic Bitch Red Aggro, Heavily Proactive Green Midrange, Blue Hard Control with a spells subtheme in Izzet, and a whole pile of other midrange garbo. I've also chosen to run a bunch of pushed gold threats as an incentive to play 2c proactive strategies.
The Threats
Threats here are primarily legit good standard cards that became bulk rares post rotation; expect to see lots of High-Value Baneslayers bumping into reasonable value mulldrifters. I've also tried to include as many scaleable threats and mana sinks as possible to ensure that proactive creature decks have relevant stuff to do in the mid-late game.
The Interaction
Since I want more expensive baneslayers to be playable here, I trend towards playing very restrictive interaction. I want decks to interact early and often, but I don't want that interaction to be so overbearing that actual factual baneslayer angel becomes bad. I primarily use the rates of modern standard formats as a model for this, where R&D chooses to print roil eruption instead of lightning bolt, Quench instead of counterspell, and check for traps instead of thoughtseize. Going against that general rule, I've chosen to replace doom blade variants with last gasp variants as a way to make high-MV baneslayers stronger.
The Mana
In this format I want land sequencing to matter and I want to reward drafters for staying conservative with their manabases. Thus, I err towards a higher density of weaker lands to ensure that 3c decks can cast their spells somewhat reliably while still maintaining a real cost to playing multiple colors