Milky's High Powered Commander Cube (CEDH)
(993 Card Cube)
Milky's High Powered Commander Cube (CEDH)
Art by Raymond SwanlandArt by Raymond Swanland
993 Card Commander Multiplayer Powered Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by MilkyEli
Mana Pool$6973.08

This cube is more structured than normal cubes. This is because of the large amount of card pool available, structured packs helps to keep the consistency and make the commander decks in the end, feel like a commander deck. The other benefit is it helped keep your cube organized for edits and visualization. See below for more details on the cube and my philosophy for designing this cube.

Drafting Structure
  • 1 of each: Arcane Signet, Sol Ring, Commander
  • 1x16 Commander Pack
  • 3x16 Non-Commander Pack
  • 1x16 Mana Fixing Pack
Basic Rules
  • Starting life is 30
  • No Commander Damage
  • 60 Card Deck
Few rules override:
  • The Prismatic Piper can be partnered with ANY COMMANDER
  • Split cards can be treated as only 1 of the colors in its cost
  • Select a background == Partner
  • Planeswalkers can be commanders
  • Double Faced cards have color identity of the front half
    • (Ex. Brutal Cathar is treated as w, even though the back half is red)
  • Creatures that produce mana have the color identity of its casting cost
  • Mana Rocks can be treated as only 1 of the colors in its cost (similar to split)
    • (Ex. Rakdos Signet can be treated as b OR r and could be included in mono-black commanders)
  • If a card has an ability which required the payment of another color from its casting cost, its identity is both those colors
  • Your sideboard is the additional cards drafted
  • Some Commanders have 'Partner' Added in the list to help consistency for certain arctypes, such as combo
  • Eldrazi Titans are included in the non-commander cards
  • First player to go first in the game does not draw a card
Pack Distributions Commander Pack (Pack size == 16)
Num_Player#MonoTotal Mono#MultiTotal Cards
Non-Commander Cards Cards (Pack size == 16, 3 packs)
Num_Player#MonoTotal Mono#Multi#ArtifactTotal Cards
Mana Fixing (Pack Size == 16)
Philosophy Card Pool

The pool plays with the most best cards available in the edh card pool, including cards like black lotus, moxen, and primeval titan. In Normal edh, these cards are problematic because everybody gets to have 1. In Draft, there is only 1 for the entire table, and thus there is an inherent balancing factor for this. In addition, edh politics will play its part in levelling out the playing field.

Drafting Numbers and Card Distributions:

The cube is oversized, and by nature, will create more random distributions of cards and themes.

Purpose of the 5 packs

Commander packs act as an initial drafting. Because there is an equal distribution of mono colored commanders, and the multi colored commanders can be completely random, this will give you a good baseline for the rest of the draft. When drafting the commanders first, it allows the players to think about synergy cards throughout the rest of the draft, and which other commanders would pair well with it. Ex, if you land and early Yuirko, The Riger's Shadow and a Prismatic Piper, you can be looking for low cost units, or even ninjas, for you midrange control plan.

The mana fixing packs does 2 things. Newer players have a harder time knowing when to pick lands or rocks, and can be discouraging when their deck doesn't have any synergy nor proper ramp. Mana fixing at the end encourages players to pick the best synergies for their deck during the non-commander phase. The other aspect is that it helps make commander decks feel like real commander decks. The decision making aspect here is whether to take colored lands vs rocks vs utility lands

Hello Everybody,

Sorry for being quiet for a long time. Will be updating the Commander Cube with this year's new releases. Hope you are liking the draft so far!

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