Micro-Mander, a Commander Experience
(180 Card Cube)
Micro-Mander, a Commander Experience
Art by Chris RahnArt by Chris Rahn
180 Card Commander Vintage Cube58 followers
Designed by Sniffygull
Mana Pool$882.85

Do you like Cube?
Do you like Commander?

Welcome then to Micro-Mander, a Cube Experience. My goal here was to design an experience that captures commander and weds it to more traditional cube speed and gameplay. First up some rules:

  1. 2 - 4 Players
  2. Five packs of nine cards (5x9)
  3. 40 Card Decks + Commander(s)
  4. 20 Life
  5. 11 Commander Damage

The cube has a total of 46 legends.
4 White
7 Blue
8 Black
8 Red
8 Green
10 Two Color Gold
1 5 Color

20 of the legends have partner creating a phenomenal depth of deck options across all color pairs. The cube is enemy colored so you would want to draft into wedges not shards when going 3 color so you can take advantage of tasty gold cards.

And so much more!

My main goal with the themes/archetypes was to have a gradiant from decks that are more on rails to decks that are wackier and more free wheeling. I want there to be a decent level of exploration and fun to be had.


The artifact suite here is minimal. I have Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, and a few generic rainbow rocks.

There's 6 pieces of Equipment for the decks that want them.

The creatures all care about +1/+1 counters and generate generic value for decks.

Lands -

From the land we draw mana. From mana we shape the worlds.


Seriously though, the lands are a mix of commander based utility and fixing. We're Fetch/Shock/Bond for dual land. Two Gold Lands. Fabled Passage as a 6th fetch. I also have the Thriving Lands as a cycle that helps multicolor decks without needing to be in that specific color pair.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy the experience and find the cube interesting.

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