I guess this is a primer?!
The Cube Story:
(Insert description here)
The cube is a 180 cards cube in the Grixis colour shard, it is meant to be drafted by 2-4 players either in a grid draft or a 5x packs of 9x cards method.
The cube has 0 creatures and any card that mention creatures only do so as flavour text.
I intended to make a Grixis cube to do a fun draft with a buddy of mine for his birthday, when I ran accross the Spell Cube created by @Milkshake1988 I was set on making this cube only for non creature spells.
Types of interaction:
Lantern control: typically based or
to be able to control the opponent’s hand on top of controlling their library with lantern of insight.
[Storm][1]: based , add a sprinkle of
for additional interaction if needed.
bolas citadel: do something broken with the namesake card, whether it be Storm shenanigans or create permanents to sacrifice to win via damage.
8 racks/discard: primarily you want to use card that damages your opponents based on the number of cards in hand such as the rack.
Burn/Counter-burn: or
if you are planning to control the game with counter spells until you can burn your opponents out.
Discard-burn: Same as above but using discard as primary way to interact with your opponent and slam them with a Rakdos’s Return.
Control: primarily it can use other colour(s) to add interaction, how you win isn’t important as long as your opponent can’t?
e.g.: maybe winning by looping elixir of immortality and negateing everything else is how you wanna win.
Mill: get your opponents cards in their graveyard (where they can never come back) and win when they can’t draw. Ashiok would be proud.
Stax: using cards like smokestack, pox, deathcloud you want to make a dent in the ability of your opponents to cast spells.
Planeswalker(s): planeswalkers can be difficult to interact with therefore ramping into one early and it resolving can put your opponent on a serious clock.
Self Contained Archetypes:
Time vault combo, you still need a win condition especially with no creatures to win via combat. The key can be used in other strategies.
demonic pact, paired with a way to not die to the last trigger, whether is be returned to hand every 3 turns with a suspended reality strobe or gifted to your opponent via a harmless offering.
Triskaidekaphobia and/or hidetsugu’s second rite, manipulate your opponent’s life total to take them down out of nowhere.
mindslaver and academy ruins an old favorite of mine from Modern Mono U Tron list(s).
Narset, Parter Of Veils and wheel effects could ruin your opponents day when they occur.