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1-Drop Cube
(365 Card Cube)
1-Drop Cube
Cube ID
Art by Erica YangArt by Erica Yang
365 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by Nylnen
Mana Pool$692.13

1-Drop Cube

Rules of cube building:

  • Everything can be countered by Mental Misstep;
  • Some cards, such as the aforementioned Mental Misstep, are excluded for either power or diversity reasons as I don't want any card to be objectively better than its counterparts (Lightning Bolt is excluded because of this rule for example);
  • Color balance and a 50%ish ratio of creature was kept for the first iteration to stay close to a normal cube experience.


  • +1/+1 counters (W/G/b)
  • Heroic/go tall (all colors)
  • Go wide (W/r/g)
  • Mill (U)
  • Kicker/big mana costs (every kind of alternative cost which allows you to cheat the power of the cube) (U/G/r)
  • lantern(ish) control (U/r + colorless)
  • Sacrifice (B/R)
  • Goblins (B/R)
  • Zombies (B)
  • Elves (G)
  • Saboteur/unblockable (U/G)
  • Prowess (R/W)

There are some build around cards highlighted in the list.

Let me know if you could test the cube and what you think about it, any feedback is appreciated.

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