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Meadowvale | A tribal cube
(360 Card Cube)
Meadowvale | A tribal cube
Cube ID
Art by Howard LyonArt by Howard Lyon
360 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube1 follower
Designed by ddhoffman
Mana Pool$7397.54
wubrg| Meadowvale |grbuwA tribal cube

Welcome to a cube experience meant to capture pre-planeswalker Magic: the Gathering with a tribal flare. Built to abide by feel and play opposed to nostalgia per se, the cube is assembled with all old-border treatment with custom proxies.

_______________________________________ LoreLore

Meadowvale is a world of bygone times, filled with canopies laced with soft sun, forests calm and tranquil, fields cool and breezy, rivers and ponds brimming with life, and swamps filled with past life waiting to be unearthed.

_______________________________________ TribesTribes
The Aves wu

Bastions of the sky, the Aves use the keyword Flying to organize their flocks. Outside of a stay elemental, the skies are theirs to control and have developed their mastery of both brain and organized fighting.

Knights of Balefire w (gbr)

These daring folk are masters of mounted warfare. Once mercenaries, they have coalesced, sworn to chivalry and the Church of Balefire and use the keyword Double Strike. While they serve the land, their roots of lone warriorship and duty to themselves first runs deep.

Pack Llanowar gb

Deep in the forest live the elves of Pack Llanowar. They draw energy from nature and their ever-expanding community does dispute canopy territory with the Aves. Nimble, adept with bow, and using the keyword Deathtouch, the elves of Pack Llanowar may be small, but are not to be outdone.

Wort and her Clan rb

Preferring cliff sides and marsh land, the goblins under the matriarch Wort are common pesky folk. Often, human children are dared to pull the tail of a sleeping goblin, which in most cases ends poorly for the child. Wort and her clan use the keyword Haste as the scamper across the fields back to their wetlands.

The Bygone ub (r)

The echos of Meadowvale carry on with deep tradition and dark magic. In the depths of the forest, practicing necromancers channel the creatures from yore and have raised an army, protecting their interests and their secrets. The undead Bygone use the keyword Madness as the corrupt the minds of those who seek their masters.

Devotees of Irencrag ur (b)

Outlaws forced to flee to the darkest reaches of the forests, these magic-users are feared in Meadowvale. The Church of Balefire has decreed any mage an enemy of Lord Embry, and thus many have recruited their own, undead army to defend their lives. Old magic lives here, using the keyword Prowess they remain undisturbed despite the rhetoric.

Meadowvale Alive gur (wb)

The spirit of Meadowvale cannot be fully contained in its inhabitant or its scenery alone. The region is alive with its very essence. These elementals are often fleeting specters, using the keyword Evoke to appear and disappear as the thing of legend. Speaking of, it's said that only by drawing mana from all of Meadowvale will the true element of the land come to anyone who wishes to understand fully her grace.

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