Theme Cubes are very facinating. They establish a different axis that everything else revolves around. This creates a distinct experience and recontextualises many cards. This is my attempt to create such a format.
BudgetI believe that for an artifact Cube there are many directions that you can take. I believe them to be so plentiful, that it is not nessecary to add expensive cards. Therefore, this will start as a budget Cube. This might change after initial play testing.
DesertBecause I like desert style Cubes, this will get designed with this in mind. I believe this to be a good fit, since the protportion of colorless cards and therefore the demand for fixing is lower in most artifact envirionments.
Sub-Theme IdeasSince there is a unifying theme in artifacts, it might be valuable to give colors additional sub-themes, so that not all cards go in every deck, making the experience a little soupish.
The hardest color to support in a constructive way is green.
Some notes on what might be supported:
WG - Food/Lifegain
UG - Proliferate
BG - Food/Sac
RG - Dragons
UW - Vehicles
RW - Dwarves
UR -
BR - Sac.
UB -
BW -