Beginner Micro Cube (Mostly Pauper)
(180 Card Cube)
Beginner Micro Cube (Mostly Pauper)
Cube ID
Art by Anthony PalumboArt by Anthony Palumbo
180 Card Pauper Historic Cube41 followers
Designed by Char7
Mana Pool$29.35

This 180-card micro cube is designed to be grid drafted by 2 players or traditionally drafted by 4 players (5 packs of 9 cards each). It is intended as an introduction to draft for beginners. The cards are as simple as possible while still supporting the ten 2-color archetypes.

wu Fliers
ub Card Advantage
br Sacrifice
rg 4-Power
gw Tokens
wb Lifegain
ur Spells
bg Graveyard
rw Aggro
gu Ramp

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