Penny Pincher 450
(360 Card Cube)
Penny Pincher 450
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
360 Card Unpowered Budget Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by cdammr
Mana Pool$345.46

Here is the guild structure:

Here is the guild structure:
RBU: Discard/Sifting/Looting powered decks
RWU: Aggressive Artifact decks
UWB: Esper Zombie decks
RWB: Hard Control
BUG: Library Depletion Themes

RB: madness
RG: Berserkers//Horizontal Aggro
RU: Burn Tempo// Burn Control
RW: Artifact Aggro//Horizontal Aggro
UG: Ophidian Tempo//Ramp
BW: Zombies
UB: Hard Control//Tempo
UW: Flyers
GB: Reanimator
GW: ++ Counters//Reanimator

RB: Hellbent//madness//sacrifice
RG: lands // Berserkers//Horizontal Aggro
RU: Spells Tempo
RW: Artifacts//Tiny Control//Horizontal Aggro
UG: Ophidian Tempo
GB: Reanimator
GW: ++ Counters//Humans//Reanimator
BW: Zombies
UB: Ninjas//Zombies Control//Reanimator
UW: Flyers//Golem Control

Cards to add:
Temur Adventures
Jeskai Cycling
Bant Counters
Mardu Knight Equipment
Naya Lands

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