⚠ in alpha testing ⚠
a basic cube to learn magic and cubing
this cube expects players understand phases, basic combat, and evergreen keywords - keyword and turn phase cheatsheet available soon
for newer players, start with core until fully comfortable with counters, tokens, priority, activated and triggered abilities, and mulligans
then slowly add sets in this order:
rock > enchanting > disco > typal
recommend a face-up draft method like housman or minesweeper, both to help in talking out options with the open info, and to encourage social interaction in gameplay
for established players new to drafting (or larger groups), simply use the whole list (or the lowest tier necessary to draft with your group)
built using many foundational terms to build game fluency quickly (eg savannah lions, flying men, pacifism, shock, bolt, rabblemaster, etc)
features a loosely narrow power band
combo is uncommon but present
more notes soon