Latinerd's Cube (physical version)
(540 Card Cube)
Latinerd's Cube (physical version)
Art by Matt CavottaArt by Matt Cavotta
540 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Latinerd
Mana Pool$3024.61

Cloned from An A(rche)typical Cube

Welcome to my cool cube for cool people

This cube prioritizes interesting archetypes and buildarounds, many of which are unusual for their color combinations. I try to include unusual cards and try to encourage unusual gameplay.

I also like opening packs.

House Rules

All basic lands are snow super-type.

Bring a few booster packs when doing the draft. Any cards instructing players to open a pack result in opening a physical sealed booster pack.

Tokens don't have flavor text.

Each player starts the draft with a face-up Cogwork Librarian.


Aggro support is primarily in b and g with heavy tempo support in u, with w able to play support with Auras and creature protection.
Control support is mostly centered around r and w.

Cube Themes

Enchantments and enchantment synergies are a major part of the cube. Plenty of cards will synergize with playing enchantments, the question is how will you use these synergies?

You can use them aggressively, buffing up early combat threats to hit the opponent hard and fast, especially with green, white, and blue creatures.

Alternatively, build up a late game advantage with something like Sigil of the Empty Throne. If you find a way to mill yourself, you can bring back all enchantments from the graveyard to the battlefield in a big turn with cards such as Resurgent Belief or Replenish.


Particularly high in Blue, draw cards when you hit your opponent and keep opponent from fighting back with low cost counterspells.


Fill up your graveyard, make big moves. Maybe even fully mill yourself out and win with Laboratory Maniac. Or use Storm of Souls or Rally the Ancestors to bring a bunch of creatures back and take advantage of enters the battlefield effects.

Enter the Battlefield

Plenty of value to be had from playing creatures, and then bringing them back to your hand and playing them again. You can bounce them in blue or white, or find ways to sacrifice them and bring them back in black.


Plenty of ways to make tokens in Red and Green, and to use cards that reward you for going wide. Maybe you'll even sac all your permanents to hit the opponent for major damage using something like Mayhem Devil.


As mentioned above, plenty of ways to leverage sacrifices into victory. Besides sacrificing tokens, black also has creatures that are easy to bring back to the battlefield from the graveyard after sacrificing them.


Use Brought Back or Second Sunrise alongside ways to sacrifice lands to bounce your lands back and forth from the graveyard to the battlefield. This can ramp you with fetchlands, or if you bring enough lands back you can generate extra mana.


Bounce lands back and forth from graveyard to battlefield to build up mana or double your spells in red. Get through your deck with red cards that draw you cards.

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