KingNeb's Max Power 360
(367 Card Cube)
KingNeb's Max Power 360
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
367 Card Powered Vintage Cube25 followers
Designed by kingneb

"There are three ways to play Cube:

The right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way!"

("Isn't that just the wrong way?")

"Yeah, but faster!"

-Homer & Marge Simpson

This is a powered 360 Cube with a focus on individually powered cards as opposed to synergistic cards.

We aggressively test cards from new sets so there is more recency bias toward new cards.

Wondering where I came up with the name for this Cube?

I found it on a hair dryer.

Mainboard Changelist+2, -0
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