This cube was featured on Lucky Paper Radio (ep. 132), Designing Set Cubes.
SummaryThis cube is meant to "remaster" Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty while maintaining the flavor and most of the mechanics of the set. Changes include improving some under-performing archetypes (e.g., /
Samurai), eliminating dud cards, and adding some cards from the original Kamigawa block.
Generally restricted to NEO and Kamigawa-flavored cards (except for lands and some removal spells). Currently no planeswalkers or "ultra-bombs" (a la Fable of the Mirror-Breaker).
PowerMy target is above a retail remastered set, but well below power-maxed cube lists. Although the power band of this cube is meant to be wider compared to other cubes in our group (in the tradition of a retail set), it's narrower than a retail limited environment. As usual, I'm keeping an eye out for single cards that dominate games or lead to unfun play patterns. I'm also aiming for a higher proportion of interaction to keep the greater number of 'bombs' in check.
Archetype GuideMy goal is to emulate the intricate draft and gameplay of NEO while offering players a "powered up" retail experience. One of the main draws of this set is how mechanics, card types, and other attributes overlap across colors in a way that allows one card to support four or five different strategies. I'd like most games to feel close for both players, although I'm okay with the occasional unexpected win to Hidetsugu's Second Rite.
Some currently supported archetypes:
Mono Red Aggro ()
Vehicles (/
Enchantments-matter (all colors but mainly and
Artifacts-matter (all colors but mainly and
Sacrifice (/
Ninjas (/
Modified-matters (/
Samurai tribal (not "exalted") (/
Samurai control (/
Shrines (/
Important Note: several archetypes are supported across more than 2 colors; this list is not exhaustive and mostly refers to the colors in which the strategy is dominant. For instance, the majority of Samurai are and
, but also overlap with
Cube description derived from The First Four Questions Cube Designers Should Ask
cutting a few cards that have been duds, testing Yoshimaru, adding a couple removal spells. extra galvanic blast might be unnecessary, will likely cut for another artifact creature in future