Kamigawa Twobert
Kamigawa has been my favorite plane in Magic since Champions came about. I loved the weird spirits, loved the races of kamigawa, loved ninjas, loved the flavour. Most cards, however were... not great. Wotcs newest visit to the plane, however, was close to a homerun. The Kamigawa Twobert aims to provide an experience akin to high powered limited, with the flavour of Kamigawa. Its pillar are the cards and themes of Neo, without the fear of adding cards that fit flavourfully or Planeswalkers that could visit the plane.
A twobert is a cube designed to be drafted by two players, as popularized by Ryan Overturf on his article "The Proper Way To Do Two-Player Cube Drafts". It is a 180 card singleton cube, drafted under "Minneapolis Draft" rules. Here, two players draft 8 packs of 7 cards. Your fist pick of each pack is done without revealing the pack to your opponent. When you trade the packs, reveal them. Second pick is two cards out of this pack. Trade again. Third pick is two more cards of your original pack. Two cards from each pack will remain and are discarded. Repeat the process for all 8 packs. You should end up with 40 cards from which to build a 40 cards limited deck, adding as many basic lands as considered necessary.
The playtest feature has a Custom Minneapolis Draft for testing, but it does break on occasion.
Ride Mechs!
focused in and
Ninjutsu some Ninjas!
focused in and
Sacrifice Artifacts!
focused in and
Attack with Samurai!
focused in and
Have Enchantments Matter!
focused in
Visit Shrines!
, Base
Damn. This is great.