Traveling - Pauper Jund OnTheGo
(111 Card Cube)
Traveling - Pauper Jund OnTheGo
Cube ID
Art by Lucas StaniecArt by Lucas Staniec
111 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by GhostRegion
Mana Pool$118.09

A Pauper cube-ish used for carrying 2 sets of 75 single-sleeved cards for 2 player On-The-Go drafting.
Breakdown is as follows:
26 of Black, Red, and Green
3 colorless
9 multicolor (3 of each guild in Jund)
15 lands for fixing
= 105

15 of each basic for Swamps, Mountains, and Forests
= 45

Total = 150

Drafting follows Ryan Overturf's Minneapolis Drafting:

 Minneapolis Draft is a two-player draft format where both players make eight packs of seven cards. 
 Each player starts by simultaneously opening their first pack without showing the contents to the other player, drafting one card face down, and then trading their first pack with the other player. 
 Then each player takes two cards from the other player’s pack and trades back. 
 Finally, players take an additional two cards from the pack they had opened and the last two cards in each pack are discarded face-down from the draft.
 To reiterate, that’s one first pick, two picks from the other player’s pack, and then two last cards from the pack you opened before discarding the remaining two cards from the draft.
 Players continue this process until all eight of their packs have been drafted.
 From here players add any number of basic lands to their deck and play some 40-card Limited Magic. ```
Mainboard Changelist+111, -0
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