The Jund Twobert
Cube ID
Art by Martina Fačková
Have you ever wanted a cube where all you play is Jund mirror matches? No? Just me?
- The cube is designed to be drafted with 2 or 4 players. 3 players is possible, but not recommended.
- Midrange is the name of the game. Each player is playing a flavor of midrange.
- This can range from Boomer Jund to Hazo-Red to The Rock
- In true midrange fashion, decks can lean more aggro or more control, but most decks are midrange
- Aggro and control could theoretically work, but should be beaten by a more midrange deck
- Include "classic" jund midrange cards while also limiting cards that promote other archetypes. (ie. combo)
- No "win the game" A+B combos
- Limit sweepers to narrow or costly ones
- No reanimator (too much like combo)
- Threats are interactable, and answers are plentiful and versatile.
- No hexproof, shroud, or protection (save a copy of Vines of Vastwood)
- Answers are mainly 1 for 1 (i.e. Scrabbling Claws instead of Soul-guide Lantern)
- Both threats and answers should more often be on creatures
- The graveyard matters, always
- Mechanics that promote the graveyard matter will feature in nearly every deck. Some cards have been specially added so that card type in the grave matters cards are better.
- Make sideboards meaningful
- Reward players for picking hate pieces
So after a few drafts of this one thing is clear, the player who drafts more cheap cards tends to win. I am not quite sure how to solve this, but this means that the cute top ends or synergy cards don't shine through at all. I will need to figure out if its a card issue or an issue with the twobert. Maybe drafting less cards will solve this?
Ryan Overturf's Twobert articles (link)
The Jund Cube (link)
The history of Jund midrange from Cardmarket (link)
My love of Golgari Midrange in current 2023-2024 standard. (link)
Best deck ever series from Cardmarket, Hazored (link)
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Mainboard Changelist
+1, -1