I have owned a cube (http://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/5d5e7057726e4277c7b8ee15
[http://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/5d5e7057726e4277c7b8ee15])for a while, and drafting it has been really fun, but since we had a
baby half a year ago, we haven't had the time to use it.
The more I've heard of the upcoming JumpStart set, the more I've been convinced that this type of format would suit the cube and
our schedules really well. If we can just pull two packs each and get in a short game, the wife and I can play with the cube
whenever we feel like it, without having to take the time to draft first.
Having pre-constructed packs also turned out to be a cool way to run cards that wouldn't be feasible in a draft cube. The cube is
a white border nostalgia-fest with some proxies thrown in to let us play with moxen, black lotus, etc., and for nostalgia reasons
I've always wanted to include the tron lands. Now that the packs are pre-made, I've been able to make two Tron-based packs as
I should note that the cube is all about flavor and nostalgia and not at all about balance, so if you check out the packs, and you
feel that something is way too slow or completely over/under-powered, then that's most likely because I haven't attempted to avoid
that :)
Note: I haven't yet added the basic lands for the packs, so until then you can just assume that a mix of basics in reasonable
colors are added to get each pack to 20.