Anarchy Cube
(540 Card Cube)
Anarchy Cube
Cube ID
Art by Bruno BiazottoArt by Bruno Biazotto
540 Card Vintage Cube48 followers
Designed by Fandwick
Mana Pool$4290.54

Greetings friend! If you are reading this, there's a high chance I've linked it to you from the Cubetalk discord. If not, go check it out! I'm happy to chat about this or general cube design whenever I have time, and there's many people there smarter than me!

Origins and Context (it Matters!)

I built this cube from scratch on Black Friday of 2018 by taking apart my commander decks and building a format I could play 20 life, one vs one magic, regularly. When I first built it, I had never played the MTGO cube, and only ever played one other (non vintage) cube. Over the many years since, I've built a playgroup that plays many other cubes as well, run two big cube events in California and attended Cubecon and drafted more than any other individual there three years running! I've learned a lot and this cube has changed a lot in that time, but its still my groups favorite and was drafted 38 times in 2024!

Special Rules, aka "I thought you said this was a vintage cube, where's the power 9?"

When I first made this cube, some people wanted to play with moxen and such, others said "no thanks!" So, I put them all in one pack, with Lore seeker adding it, and we could choose whether or not they were gonna be in the cube that week!

Since then, this concept of a Power Pack has evolved: We always play with it, and it contains exactly twice as many cards as the number of players. People get exactly two picks from it, and the first picker has to give up a first pick from their normal pack to take the Lore seeker, making this cube feel a bit more fair than many other vintage cubes.

For a full list of the possible includes in the power pack, see this

Draft me, get another card free!

Don't worry if you don't open the loreseeker, there's plenty of extra drafting fun to be had anyways! If you draft the following cards, you get BONUS CARDS added to your pool at the end of the draft.

"Don't forget the Cogworks!"

Everyone also starts with a copy of Cogwork Librarian in an orange sleeve, face up in their pool. At any time when you are drafting anything but the power pack, this can be put into the pack to take another card. You can also take a Cogwork from a pack, and add it back in to a different pack later. And yes, they stack! the record is turning in 7 of them and taking 8 cards!

"Oh yeah there's a few custom cards too"

While the vast majority of this B.S. is from WOTC, I've taken the liberty of adding two land cycles and a small handful of custom cards, can't let people just rely on heuristics!

There is one five card cycle of mono color, zero life loss fetchlands. Think scalding tarn if it only got mountains or islands, instead of either. These are shown in the list as an evolving wilds in each color.

There is one ten card cycle of three color, zero life loss fetchlands. These get a basic of each of their three colors untapped, or a non basic tapped. They also cycle if you have a mana of each of the colors, and are much easier to remember their colors than a normal triome, which they take the place of.

Acid Pools, is wasteland for basics. Shown verbally as Ghost Quarter.

Jackal Daddy is Jackal Pup, but power crept for 2024 vintage cube. Everyone who's drafted it has gone 3-0 or 0-3, its hilarious.

Azor's Judgement is a white removal spell that's slightly better and more interesting than Get Lost

Everything else, no matter how wacky, is from WOTC! Several are Heros of the realm, some are Alchemy Cards, some are just Modern Horizons and commander cards. Its a Wacky Powerful fun world out there, lets play with contract from below or invert polarity alongside tinker. High Variance Magic is fun!

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