A Chip In The Sugar

Cube ID
Art by Seb McKinnonArt by Seb McKinnon

363 Card Cube

Designed by achipinthesugarRSSQR Code

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This cube hopes to allow players to get in lane, pick two colours and generally end up with a similarly powered deck to everyone else at the table. There is significant redundancy, hopefully creating a powerful but forgiving environment.

As for games... they should be reasonably fast.

Life totals go down, rather than up. Lands, talismans, etc... it all moves the game towards an end.

I hope that the cube mostly functions as an interactive toolkit for creating decks I didn't plan for.

Of course, I do expect some decks to exist... here they are...

Mono decks will be pretty boring...

W - weenie
U - probably doesn't exist
B - midrange with great removal
R - aggro with a dragon on top
G - midrange/ramp

WU - control/fliers maybe vehicles artifacts/tinker?
WB - aggressive value creature deck with good removal
WR - aggressive small boys
WG - +1/+1 counters value
UB - control
UR - spells matter
UG - counters matter
BR - everyone discards/loses life/dies
BG - graveyard matters, value, ramp
RG - aggressive zoo thing (can add white)