This cube is for multiplayer commander. Commanders (color coded blue on the list) are not included in the regular draft so the cube is 900 cards + 63 commanders. Deck size is 1 Commander + 66 cards (a constructed deck is 60 cards, a limited deck is 40 cards so going by that a limited commander deck would be 67 cards). 4 - 5 man draft is 7 packs of 11, 6+ is 5 packs of 15 with a 3 card commander only pack at the start of the draft. Alternatively the commanders can be mixed in with the other cards and drafted that way. A 3rd option is to seed 1 commander per pack. You can play drafted commanders in your deck and you can have a card you draft be your commander, this is the only way to have a monocolor deck for example. Standard commander rules apply other than the different deck size. This cube supports up to 12 drafters.
Banned CardsThis cube uses the normal commander banned list with the following additions