Donald's Commander Cube
(963 Card Cube)
Donald's Commander Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
963 Card Commander Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by Donald
Mana Pool$25093.40

This cube is for multiplayer commander. Commanders (color coded blue on the list) are not included in the regular draft so the cube is 900 cards + 63 commanders. Deck size is 1 Commander + 66 cards (a constructed deck is 60 cards, a limited deck is 40 cards so going by that a limited commander deck would be 67 cards). 4 - 5 man draft is 7 packs of 11, 6+ is 5 packs of 15 with a 3 card commander only pack at the start of the draft. Alternatively the commanders can be mixed in with the other cards and drafted that way. A 3rd option is to seed 1 commander per pack. You can play drafted commanders in your deck and you can have a card you draft be your commander, this is the only way to have a monocolor deck for example. Standard commander rules apply other than the different deck size. This cube supports up to 12 drafters.

Banned Cards

This cube uses the normal commander banned list with the following additions

General Notes on Card Choices
  • Minimize the number of gold cards. They're very limited in the number of decks they can go in especially when enforcing the color identity rules so I only have 7 per color pair (less than 8% of the cube) and in many cases and color pairs they're not even better than monocolor cards. This is even more true with tri color cards so none are included.
  • Lots of mana fixing. While the cube doesn't have an emphasis on gold cards I still want people to be able to cast their spells. There's enough fixing it's possible to draft a 5 color deck with no basics and there should be no excuse a 2 or 3 color deck isn't running a pile of mana fixing lands in the correct colors.
  • I run the Mirage fetches (Flood Plain), cycling duals (Irrigated Farmland), tango lands (Prairie Stream) and enemy snow duals (Alpine Meadow) to help make the fetch/dual manabase easier.
  • Aside from the banned cards above anything goes so this cube has a lot of mean cards. Mass land destruction, prison cards, extra turns, annihilator and infect mechanic, etc. My playgroup is fine with these (mostly) but I know a lot of people don't enjoy this style of play.
  • I try to only include combo pieces if they're good cards on their own. So things like Earthcraft, Reveillark, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, etc are fine but I don't include things like Painter's Servant + Grindstone because Grindstone is terrible and Painter's Servant is questionable at best.
  • I have a little bit of support for monocolor with the mana doublers (Extraplanar Lens, Gauntlet of Power and Caged Sun). Some colors are better than others at this but it is a viable strategy. Red tends to be underdrafted and has Gauntlet of Might so it's usually one of the better options.
  • I did my best to put cards in the appropriate section, Vedalken Shackles in blue, Flooded Strand in Azorius, etc.
  • There are no budget restrictions on this cube, only the cards banned above for the reasons noted.
Mainboard Changelist+49, -49
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