Jaden's Commander Cube
(883 Card Cube)
Jaden's Commander Cube
Art by Terese NielsenArt by Terese Nielsen
883 Card Commander Legacy+ Cube2 followers
Designed by ReVelife
Mana Pool$2230.77

Draft: Minimum 60 card deck using 4 packs of 20 cards each. At the end of the draft each player gets a Command Tower.

Normal Commander rules for deck construction otherwise.
Original Companion rules.

Draft Archetypes:

Azorius- Blink
Dimir- Zombies
Rakdos- Madness
Gruul- Landfall
Selesnya- Tokens
Simic- Sea Creatures
Golgari- +1/+1 Counters
Orzhov- Lifegain
Boros- Equipment
Izzet- Artifacts

Bant- Enchantments
Jund- Sacrifice
Grixis- Wheels
Naya- Dinosaurs
Esper- Topdeck
Sultai- Clones
Jeskai- Storm
Temur- Spell Copying
Abzan- Reanimator
Mardu- Humans

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