555-JANK Cube (legacy)
(540 Card Cube)
555-JANK Cube (legacy)
Cube ID
Art by Daren BaderArt by Daren Bader
540 Card Cube24 followers
Designed by AndrewMagrini
Mana Pool$8484.93


Excited to have you check out this pile of nonsense!

History and Philosophy

This project started nearly a decade ago as a clone of one of Usman Jamil's powered lists, and over time has warped into a play experience all its own.

Here's a quick overview of the overall philosophy of this cube:

Powered, but not Vintage - This cube supports the full complement of P9 (and then some!), but I would not classify this as a Vintage environment in the classical sense.

Designed with taste in mind, not optimization - Example: You will find Sagas instead of Planeswalkers in this list, as I have always disliked how much PWs warp play patterns & the lack of interaction available.

Minimize complexity, maximize familiarity - This cube eschews many of the powerful-yet-complicated modern cards in favor of classic, recognizable staples from years past. Additionally, where possible I've included versions of cards that feature reminder text.

Support unique archetypes - In addition to some of the classics (e.g., Reanimator, MUD, Big Green, Burn, White Weenie), this cube supports archetypes not typically found in a powered environment. For example, Enchantress has been a hallmark of the project since the beginning!

Include oddball redundancies - You'll find inclusions that would otherwise not be found in more optimal builds to support this diversity. Take Intruder Alarm... Will you:

Maximize memorable moments - This cube has secrets built in for those looking to try something interesting.

  • An example: For those willing to draft Symbol Status, you will find forty unique set symbols spread throughout the basics!

Tips for drafting 555-JANK

Rather than going in-depth on how to draft and play this cube optimally, I'll offer some guidelines that could elevate the experience for you:

Explore with an Open Mind - This cube has been designed to reward those willing to pull at threads and ask "...is this possible?"

Go Weird, Go Hard - While many popular/classic cube archetypes are supported, other drafters will likely go in on those as they're the more familiar ones. If something is interesting- commit!

Plan for "Big" games - Borrowing parlance from Sam Black, this cube tends to skew towards slightly longer games with larger board states (even in the presence of power!).

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