Premodern Cube
(540 Card Cube)
Premodern Cube
Cube ID
Art by Ron WalotskyArt by Ron Walotsky
540 Card Cube7 followers
Designed by jazzfries
Mana Pool$9865.04

All your favorite cards and themes from the Premodern Era (plus some extra spice).

Major update for 2023. The cube has been cut down to 540 to improve consistency among the archetypes and bring a better premodern feel to decks drafted. A couple of newer cards have remained which are technically not premodern, but they either fit the spirit of the theme or are iconic old school characters. The archetypes are below:

UW - Fliers/Control
UB - Storm/Reanimator/Psychatog
UR - Artifacts/Spellslinger
UG - Opposition/Madness
WG - Enchantress/Maverick
WB - Death and Taxes
WR - Cycling
GB - Rock/RecSur
GR - Land Destruction/Beatdown
RB - Goblins/Aristocrats

Mainboard Changelist+0, -0
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