360 card pauper cube designed for 6-8 player drafts, although it supports 2- and 4-player formats well.
Encourage exciting combat: Combat should be more interesting than making only safe attacks or stalling out the board as long as possible. Creatures in the cube tend to be low-toughness compared to their power, which encourages trading in combat.
Tend towards snappy games: Games should end roughly when at least one player can no longer productively spend their resources. Players shouldn't have to sit there and wait for the game to wrap up, or be stuck in a board stall for many turns.
Minimize single-card strategies: Guardian of the Guildpact has no place in this cube.
Be friendly, but deep: The cube strives to be as approachable as possible, while also having enough depth to feel rewarding to veteran players. Cards tend towards simplicity (e.g. Goblin Trailblazer over Mayhem Patrol) to help keep both card assessment and games manageable. Decks should feel like really good core set draft decks, and games should balance being engaging without being overwhelming.
FDN is a really great set for pauper cube - a lot of the cards are strong but straightforward, and skew towards attacking with on-curve creatures.
It kills me to cut Spellstutter Sprite, but everyone misreads it as a Force Spike instead of a Spell Blast. It's a touch underpowered in here, and leads to a lot of confusion, so it's out. Elementalist Adept is a simple tempo creature with a lot of cool play to it, so I expect it to play really well.
Icewind Stalwart is fine but unremarkable, and you really want more for your 4. Prideful Parent is another Attended Knight, which has been a staple forever.
Seraph of Dawn used to be completely unbeatable, but suffers from being 4 mana. I really want white 4+ to be top-of-curve payoffs instead of stat wads, so Felidar Savior is an easy add.
Holy Cow is another card that is Fine but doesn't really achieve my goals for its color. Inspiring Paladin is a great on-curve body that also serves as a +1/+1 counter lord - can't ask for much else.
Planar Disruption is a solid card, but I'm replacing it with Banishing Light, despite it being worse. I like the old-frame foil, and I prefer running resonant cards over ones folk probably don't know. This also takes a reference to planeswalkers out of the cube.
I really like Ichor Slick but it's past its prime, and I don't love having one madness card (even if it fires itself). Stab is Yet Another Disfigure which I'm always happy to run.
Carrier Thrall is a little expensive for what it does, and I don't like the one-off token. Infestation Sage is cheaper and cleaner.
Springbloom Druid is a Harrow with legs, which you'd think would be better than it is! 3 is just too much to ramp in this cube, though. I think Cackling Prowler is an excellent stat wad that will do really well in green.
Sylvan Might was added to fix the issue of green getting moated by random 1/1s, since it gives trample twice. That's not really a problem anymore, so now it's just expensive. Bushwhack is a great modal card that I'm thrilled to add. I'd love to add the pump/lay-of-the-land card from Jumpstart, but until it's in foil, it's out.