Innistrad block (with additional flavour to supplement) cube based on the following colour combos/archetypes (Analysis taken from Reddit post: "What are the possible archetypes in Innistrad draft? Asked 12 years, 7 months ago Modified 12 years, 6 months ago Viewed 7k times"):
Red-Black Vampires
This is a classic red aggro strategy. There are lots of small, fast vamps that get big to put a major hurt on your opponent, especially the Bloodcrazed Neonate and the Falkenrath Marauders.
Green-Red Werewolves
This is another aggro deck, though it's slightly slower than the vamp deck since the werewolves are a little bit bigger and take a while longer to flip and become monsters. The Mayor of Avabruck is a good keystone card , as are the Kessig Cagebreakers. Almost all of the werewolves in this set are strong enough once flipped to win the game in a few turns.
Blue-White Spirits
This deck runs lots of humans, spirits, and angels. In the early game, it tends towards control rather than beat-down, since this deck will not win a race against werewolves or vampires, but towards the late game, it'll amass a critical mass of flyers to hit for the win. Due to the lack of removal and cheap common flyers, coupled with competition from the zombie archetype for the good blue utility spells, this deck is one of the weaker archetypes.
Blue-Black Zombie Mill
This is a control deck that relies on removal and counterspells to clear out the early threats, then bring down the skaabs once there are plenty of creatures in the graveyard. The bombs in this deck include Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and the Skaab Goliath. T
Green-White Humans
If you're running green-white you're probably doing it to get the most value out of Travel Preparations. You can synergize with +1/+1 counters to buff humans, and much of the equipment included adds extra benefits if they are attached to humans.