This is an Innistrad gothic horror-themed, flashback centric, multicolor heavy, principally peasant, competitively balanced cube to be used for Wizard's Tower. It can also be played as a desert cube. Due to flashback, it can be played traditionally with players either sharing a graveyard or having individual graveyards.
The few rares and cards not from the Innistrad plane are all an appropriate power level and are highly flavorful and the only card that fills a specific niche function in that color at that mana value.
TribalTribes are a theme in this cube and each appears with payoffs in at least two colors. Humans have appearances and payoffs in all colors.
Color | Tribes |
![]() | Humans, Spirits, Vampires |
![]() | Spirits, Zombies, Humans |
![]() | Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves |
![]() | Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies |
![]() | Werewolves, Humans, Spirits |
This cube supports the following macro archetypes across all colors:
The following themes also show up across multiple colors:
Each two-color combination contains support for an aggressive archetype as well as a control/midrange archetype.
Spirits Skies
Attack in the skies and with other Spirit synergies. Tap down blockers or their backswing to outrace opponents.
UW Control
Control the board and generate incremental value to outlast opponents.
Zombie Lords Beatdown
Overwhelm opponents with growing hordes of Zombies, both in number and power, albeit sometimes slowly decaying.
UB Control
Domineer opponents with great power, but remember, power comes at a price.
Vampires Saboteur Aggro
The best defense is a good offense. Put opponents on the back foot with bloodthirsty Vampires, but don't overextend when attempting to take a bite of the apple.
Sacrifice Value
Success doesn't come without sacrifice. Convert strategic sacrifices into incremental value to out volley opponents.
Werewolf Stompy
Attack opponents with big ears, big eyes, and big teeth. But make haste before any hunters arrive.
Gruul Midrange
Bigger is better. Smash opponents with big creatures and gain advantage with cards that like that.
Humans Weenies
Strength in numbers. Humans felled mammoths with numbers and tools. Vanquish opponents with formidable armies and Equipment.
Go Wide Midrange
Anything worth having takes time. Build an undefeatable army over time and rule the world.
Death with taxes. Appease the tribute and ride strong effects to victory.
Life Drain Control
Slow and steady wins the race. Slowly tighten your grip on the throne by stamping out any competition with oppressive drain effects.
Aggro Control
Deploy inexpensive threats and control opponents responses to them. But be quick before you're outpaced.
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but spells will definitely kill you. Overpower opponents with a barrage of spells.
Graveyard Matters Aggro
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Quickly dispatch opponents with cards that care about the graveyard.
Graveyard Value
The dead don't rest. And neither will your opponent. Bury opponents with perpetual recursion.
Boros Go Wide
Always outgunned, but never outnumbered. Inundate opponents with innumerable threats and finish off anyone still standing with burn.
RW Control
Shape the future by excavating the past. Control the battlefield with efficient removal from red and white and then pull ahead by digging through the graveyard.
It takes two to tempo. Outdevelop your opponent and convert temporary advantages into a winning position.
Simic Value
Drown opponents in incremental value generated by your creatures.
Several cycles are present, generally centered around multicolor to force foreplanning and ramifications around drafting lands and managing mana.
Land is purposely limited to 32% of the card pool as the average CMC is around 2.8 in order to foster greater decision making on spending picks on lands and managing mana. Note, on average CMC and land-drop-by-turn math, in Wizard's Tower, 2 cards are obtained per turn with 1 being drafted from a pool.
Mana will be tight. This gives better color identity to your board and consequences from decision making as other colors wouldn't be readily available and generally strong, but mana-intensive or color-intensive cards, like Mentor of the Meek, Intrepid Adversary, and Zombie Apocalypse must be much more strategically planned.
Werewolves Transform ErrataFor consistency and better playability, all Innistrad block werewolves that transform via spells cast in a turn that don't use Daybound/Nightbound, use Daybound/Nightbound instead.
FAQ If the graveyard is shared, if multiple people can flashback a card in the same phase or step (Feeling of Dread), who gets to?Following the normal priority rules, only one player can declare the casting of a spell at any point in time. Once a card is cast for its flashback cost, it is moved to the stack and is no longer in the graveyard for another player to cast for its flashback cost.
Who gets the card from Ghost of Ramirez DePietro?The controller of its triggered ability, who is the controller of Ghost of Ramirez DePietro when its triggered ability was put on the stack. If you triggered him, the card will go into your hand regardless of who put that card into the graveyard.
Who's battlefield does a Howlgeist stolen by Welcome to the Fold return to when it dies and its Undying ability triggers?The owner is the person that last cast it or controlled the last effect that put it onto the battlefield that doesn't reference another effect that had removed it from the battlefield (Fiend Hunter) nor already specifies an owner (Chaos Warp). In general layman terms, the battlefield of the person that Welcome to the Fold stole it from.
Who gets the card from Runic Repetition?The person that cast Runic Repetition.
What happens if Fiend Hunter leaves the battlefield before its "enters the battlefield" ability resolves?The creature will be exiled when its "enters the battlefield" ability eventually resolves and will have no way of coming back.