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Il cubo pre modern
(360 Card Cube)
Il cubo pre modern
Cube ID
Art by Mark PooleArt by Mark Poole
360 Card Powered Vintage Cube7 followers
Designed by taparrabos
Mana Pool$21666.75
Il Cubo Pre-Modern

Vintage cube 360

Since 2020.

Cube environment

This is a pre-modern vintage cube. Is designed to always have the best possible 360 slots available in all the pool of magic the gathering pre modern cards.
From Alpha to Scourge.
It's my nostalgia cube with all the cards I played during my first magic years.

This cube brings a vintage enviroment with powerful acceleration and broken turns.

We say yes to the unfair magic. We say yes to those old broken cards that won't be played otherwise. We say yes to combo in turn 1.

We say yes to Magic the gathering the way Richard Garfield intended.



We spared no expense.

You count with the creme de la creme of the Magic the gathering mana rocks.
Get them on your first picks if you can. These are the cards that make everything possible.


Fetch, Duals, painlands and taplands will be found in every colour combination. Every fixing is composed by it's colours most primitive requirements.
So in every combination of colours you'll find the set of lands that complements the most on every identity.
I implemented a full set of fetchlands thanks to modern horizons 2 that released enemy fetches in retro frame prividing the missing fixing in all of the pre-modern era.

Also a complete set of diamonds and a full set of mercadian masques depletion lands makes the acceletation viable within all players in the table. You cant ramp out your cards if you don't have the mana to cast them. Prioritize your lands.


Multiple Archetypes can be found around the cube and most of the cards that are in this archetypes don't work alone. Every deck should be assembled having in mind that with this type or cards you will be most likely capable of achieving the deck goal. Some tutors or loots might be of assistance while assembling your combos. Keep in mind that a lot of archetypes will be fighting for the same enablers or the same pay offs so... pick the cards you need or they won't come back. Try to define your main goals and send the correct drafting signals, remember that cards in your siddeboard complement your deck for difficult matchups.


One of the most solid decks there are to play. If you ramp out with some moxes this deck is unstopable.


Classic monogreen, no giant growth for you. Better to overrun everybody.


Mono blue control deck in the style of forbidian back in 1999.


Give this little monster some moxes and expect your opponent's crying in turn 3.-


suicide yourself with fast creatures and finish the game with hatred in a kamikaze gameplan.


Like some reanimating action on turn 1, try it out with a dark ritual. Most likely: bu


Just prioritize removals and bombs. Fixing here is vital since you are most likely playing a couple of colours. Tutors are your friends in this enchantment relying type of deck. uwrgb

Control uw:

Classic Rock solid control deck achievable. Just counterspells and exile removals. You can never go wrong with this.


Classic wildfire style of deck. Curve out with powerful mana rocks, then take the game to stoneage while you beatdown with a nice dragon.

Opposition ug:

Classic opposition deck, get a board of creatures, cast opposition and forever tap all your enemy's lands.

Recurring Survival:

If you ever saw this deck while you were a teenager you've wanted to play it. Survival discards your creatures while Recurring brings them back to play giving you the etb effects over an over. This is the deck that gave name to the toolbox style of play. Craf this deck as an artisan. Most likely: gbw


Storm is one of the most broken archetypes if assembled correctly. Make your graveyard grow and finish annihilating your opponents with a 10 minute turn. Just the way I like it. Most likely: ub

Storm freeze:

This kind of storm deck relies on this card combination to engage a high storm count, with some tutors and looting effects find the pieces and finish the game in the spot.
Most likely ur

Finkel Tinker Upheaval::

One of the most famous decks ever in Mtg. Mana rocks and powerful artifact finishers. Classic and effective. Most likely: u

Sneak & Show:

Find your cheat engines and destroy your opponents before they can react to your spells. Most likely: urg

Bouncing creatures:

Return everything to their owner's hand. great with etb habilities.

Living Death:

Discard all your creatures to the graveyard, let your opponent play. cast living death, go to next game.


Destroy enemy lands and beat them in curve with nice etb creatures.

gr Destroyland

Destroy enemy lands and beat them in curve with nice etb creatures.

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