il cubo
(336 Card Cube)
il cubo
Cube ID
Art by Christopher RushArt by Christopher Rush
336 Card Powered Vintage Cube8 followers
Designed by taparrabos
Il Cubo

Vintage cube 336

Since 2012.

Cube environment

This is a vintage cube. Is designed to always have the best possible 336 slots available in all the pool of magic the gathering cards.
From Alpha to the latest set released.
This is my perception of what that card list is, and my idea of what archetypes are relevant to the vintage meta, applied to cube drafting in a table with eight players.

This cube brings a vintage enviroment with powerful acceleration and broken turns. We try to bring the clock a few turns down in comparison to the MTG Online Vintage cube 540.
We say yes to the unfair magic. We say yes to those old broken cards that won't be played otherwise. We say yes to combo in turn 1.

Why 336?

My Vintage Cube list has been evolving for a long time.
It started at 720 cards in 2012, was reduced to 540 in 2018, and then, during the pandemic in 2020, I further cut it down to 360.

Over the past four years, while maintaining a 360-card Cube, I realized that even 360 was too large for drafting.
Simply by looking at the visual spoiler, I noticed that some cards were just fillers—they weren’t essential to any archetypes or combos.

In 2024, I decided to reduce the Cube to 336 cards. This adjustment provides the following benefits:


With 8 players: 3 packs of 14 cards each.
With fewer than 8 players: 3 packs of 15 cards each.

Increased Archetype Consistency:

A more compact Cube means a higher density of key cards, making it more likely that some archetypes come together.
There’s less room for filler cards that don’t contribute to any particular strategy.

More Competitive Drafting:
With fewer cards in the draft pool, powerful cards are less likely to wheel, forcing players to make tougher decisions.
Drafters must commit to strategies earlier rather than relying on late picks to fill out their decks.

Better for Non-8-Player Drafts:
When drafting with fewer than 8 players, a 360-card Cube leaves too many unused cards, which can lead to missing key pieces.
At 336 cards, the draft remains balanced even when not at full capacity.

More Meaningful Sideboard & Fixing Choices:
Since fewer total cards are drafted, sideboards won’t be excessively large, making early picks more important.
Fixing lands take on more value, as players will have to make tougher mana decisions during the draft.

Curated Power Level:
Every card in the Cube remains relevant, eliminating borderline inclusions are just standalone cards or cards that
don’t actively support core archetypes.

By reducing to 336, I ensure that drafts remain competitive, decks stay focused, and archetypes function more reliably—without
sacrificing variety or replayability.



We spared no expense.

You count with the creme de la creme of the Magic the gathering mana rocks.
Get them on your first picks if you can. These are the cards that make everything possible.


Fetch, Dual and Shocklands will be found in every colour combination. Every fixing is composed by it's colours most primitive requirements.
So in every combination of colours you'll find the set of lands that complements the most on every identity. Some colours have manlands, other combinations have canopy lands or surveil lands.

Also a set of 5 talismans. (breaking symmetry with g/x talismans when needed) and a 6 set of triomes makes the splashing viable within all players in the table. You cant play your cards if you don't have the mana to cast them. Prioritize your lands.
Triomes being fetchable really opens your options.


Multiple Archetypes can be found around the cube and most of the cards that are in this archetypes don't work alone. Every deck should be assembled having in mind that with this type or cards you will be most likely capable of achieving the deck goal. Some tutors or loots might be of assistance while assembling your combos. Keep in mind that a lot of archetypes will be fighting for the same enablers or the same pay offs so... pick the cards you need or they won't come back. Try to define your main goals and send the correct drafting signals, remember that cards in your sideboard complement your deck for difficult matchups.


Classic modern nadu combo, with some vintage interactions.
Most likely: ugw

Skullclamp draw all:

Skullclamp's power to draw cards at the expense of a cheap creature creates a drawing machine that might come in handy. Cards that generate creatures for free will be premium for this deck. Combines with lurrus and aggro type of decks.
Most likely: wb

Oath Superfriends:

Just prioritize Planeswalkers, removals, oath and bombs. Fixing here is vital since you are most likely playing five colours. Tutors are your friends in this type of enchantment based deck. uwrgb


Lurrus companion will ask you a heavy requirement but 14 creatures and with the rest spells you are on a good track. protection for your lurrus might be needed. Most likely: wbru


Make your opponent uncomfortable while your board gets a token for each card you play. Nice to storm out with this guys in play. Most likely: wrub

Control uw:

Classic control deck achievable. Just counterspells and exile removals. You can never go wrong with this. Most likely: uw

Stoneblade uw:

Stoneblade variant for control u/w


Combine good etb creatures with reanimate or blink effects for max value.
Discard and removal goes hand in hand with this archetype.
Most likely : bwr


Just destroy all your opponent's lands, all the time. Activate your landfalls. Cards like lotus cobra, oracle of mul daya, tireless tracker, dryad of the Ilysian groove make the archetype unstoppable. This kind of deck might get some haters. Most likely: wgru


You don't like when your opponents have cards in hand? force them to discard their hand all the time. Multiple draw seven and multiple draw locks for your opponents. Ramp it out and make your opponents quit rage. Most likely: ugr


Ex megrim, detroy your opponents dealing lots of combo damage for the draws. Most likely: br


Storm is one of the most broken archetypes if assembled correctly. Make your graveyard grow and finish annihilating your opponents with a 10 minute turn. Just the way I like it. Most likely: ub

Storm breach:

This kind of storm deck relies on this card combination to engage a high storm count, with some tutors and looting effects find the pieces and finish the game in the spot.
Most likely ur

Finkel Tinker:

One of the most famous decks ever in Mtg. Mana rocks and powerful artifact finishers. Classic and effective. Most likely: u


Assemble your fast mana and let your opponent play until you return everything to both hands, you need to add more mana than upheaval cost to re assemble your board and finish the game in the following turns. Most likely: u

Artifact combo:

Cast your sensei with gadgeteer on the battlefield, create a clue, return sensei to top, urza taps clue for mana. Having kinnan makes you go infinite with gageteer and urza in play. most likely: ug


Overrun your opponent with constructs. Having mana rocks will help to ramp out and fuel your creatures. This combines perfectly with tinker and heavy artifact themed decks.
Most likely: u


Like some griselbrand action on turn 1, try it out with a dark ritual. Most likely: bu

Flash and Show:

Tutor up your pieces and assemble this powerful mechanic. Most likely: ug

Instant Reanimator:

Hard to build but pays off while you bring an Emrakul on turn 3 making your opponent's sacrifice all they've got. Most likely: bur

Sneak & Show:

Find your cheat engines and destroy your opponents before they can react to your spells. Most likely: urg

Infinite Mana:

Assemble any of this combos and get infinite colourless mana, fireball or emrakul your opponents: rwgu

gr Beatdown:

Beat down your opponents with fast haste creatures. To the face BooBoo!!

g Monogreen:

Classic monogreen, no giant growth for you. Better to craterhoof and overrun everybody.

r Monored:

Give this little monster some moxes and expect your opponent's crying in turn 3.-

w Monowhite:

One of the most solid decks there are to play. If you ramp out with some moxes this deck is unstopable.

grb Jund:

Classic jund with multiple variants for midrange.

wr Boros:

Classic Boros, just go 16 creatures and 7 burns. What could possibly go wrong?


Besides Kitten being a solid blinker in any kind of deck it can be op using the correct pieces. Infinite mana being the first combination with this cards.
Most likely: u-w

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