Box of Cards
THIS IS NO LONGER A PEASANT CUBE AS OF 6.20.22. See for the original Peasant+ list.
Goals of this cube:
Use slightly lower powered cards - This expands the options of cards I can include when I don't have to use the strongest version of every slot. It also reduces the overall cost of the cube.
Keep the mana curve low - This is to increase the number of game actions players can take each turn. Green is the only exception to this rule. I still wanted green to have some ramp but to have the ramp targets not be autowins.
Keep drafting open - There are no "archetypes". Instead I wanted to just focus on aggro, control and ramp/midrange and let it expand from there. There are no infinite combos. There will still be some cards that change the direction of your draft in an interesting way.
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Don't like having instant speed in the graveyard.