The Cool Kids Cube
(450 Card Cube)
The Cool Kids Cube
Cube ID
Art by Terese NielsenArt by Terese Nielsen
450 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by seancarpenter
Mana Pool$855.00

The Cool Kids Cube is designed for players who play MTG or other similar card games casually, and are familiar with the rules and general concepts and strategies, but don't necessarily have any tremendous drafting or deck building knowledge. As such, things like two card infinite combos and extremely wordy or complex mechanics (such as dredge) have been specifically left out. I've also left out cards that represent significant color breaks (like Mana Tithe) or allow you to circumvent the mana system (Phyrexian mana, Force of Will etc.), so that my mostly newbie players can make reasonable assumptions about the game: "My opponent has no untapped lands, so they cannot counter my spell".

Primary Themes

White: Tokens, Aggro, Control
Blue: Control, Tempo, Spell Slinger
Black: Control, Aggro, Tokens, Graveyard
Red: Aggro, Spell Slinger
Green: Ramp, Stompy, Tokens

White Blue: Hard Control, Aggro
White Black: Tokens and Life Drain
White Red: Aggressive Weenies
White Green: Tokens, Value Creatures
Blue Black: Control, Reanimator
Blue Red: Slinging Spells
Blue Green: Aggro, Ramp
Black Red: Aggro, Sacrifice Tokens
Black Green: Graveyard
Red Green: Midrange, Ramp

Blue Black Red: Splashy Control
Green Blue Red: Ramp

I've tried to make sure that it's possible for each color pair to make a functioning deck of the three archetypes (Aggro, Midrange and Control), so that any inexperienced drafters don't end up with a totally unusable pile of cards. That said, I don't guarantee that every archetype/color pair combination is equally strong, just that a decent functioning deck can be made from each one.

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