Atraxa Duel Cube

Cube ID
Art by Victor Adame MinguezArt by Victor Adame Minguez

200 Card Cube

Designed by Dragonm137RSSQR Code

View in Cube Map


4 color 200 card cube for 2p drafting. Trying to set up along the 4 3-color combos between the 4 colors.

Esper(WUB) Draw Cards/Artifacts
Bant(GWU) Enchantments
Azban(GWB) Reanimator
Sultai(GUB) Delve

Proliferate also added across all 4 colors.

Status: List built; slowly buying the cards IRL.

Mainboard Changelist
+1, -1

I don't think Time Sieve will be online enough to be worth adding. Let's go with something that won't be dead most of the time